Thursday 11 September 2014

5:2 Avocado on Rye

Ugh, how did that wonderful feast day go by so quickly? Once again I find myself struggling to function on my fast day. It's not all bad though as I have a great dinner idea that comes in at 367 Calories.

This recipe is great for a fast day dinner at the end of the day, but also as a feast day breakfast as it is full of nutritious carbs and good for you fats and it's also super easy to make.

If you're running low on calories remove the rye bread and poach an extra egg. I just love the flavour combination of German rye and avocado. I also leave all my 500 calories until the evening, so if you're like me then  have the whole avocado (weigh it first because they tend to vary on size).

So let's get to it y'all!


Half a Medium Avocado - 70g = 143 Kcal
Half a Lime - n/a
Half a Chilli - n/a
A Few Drops of Tabasco - n/a
1 Medium Egg - 71 Kcal
1 Slice of German Rye Bread - Schneider Brot = 153 Kcal

Total - 367 Calories

1. First off start by slicing the avocado into a bowl and squeeze half a lime over. Then slice a red chilli and add to the mixture. Finish my splashing a couple of drops of tabasco (depending on you spice tolerance) and seasoning with salt and pepper.

2. Then poach your egg, and whilst this is cooking toast your German rye and assemble the avo on top.

3. Once the egg is done pop on top of your avo on toast and TUCK IN!!!!

See! Super simple and super tasty. Once you're finished imagine how much you are going to consume tomorrow - I personally always dream of eating the worlds largest breakfast whilst getting irritated about the inconsiderate selfish people eating openly around me. How dare they!? But you know, each to their own.

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